Life after Lockdown
New world. New rules.

The world is grappling with a Covid-19-shaped almost-apocalypse, and everyone’s itching for things to go back to “normal”. But the truth is “normal” just isn’t going to be the way we remember it. And as we slowly begin to get out of our house-arrests, and start going back to our offices, workplace behaviour and etiquette will require a whole new approach.
That got us thinking. Sure, most of us now know what is required of us, individually, during the lockdown era. We know not to venture out, or gather in crowds, and we know how to practice social distancing when we have to. But at the office, we’re going to have to rethink everything about the way we’ve conducted business for centuries.
And to do that we need to be reminded, at every step of the way, of the things we should and should not do. A guide to help us navigate this new “normal” that we will find ourselves living and working in now.
So we made a bunch of simple, distraction-free posters for you to put up all over your office. These are free-to-use, free-to-print, and most importantly free-to-share — and they highlight all the guidelines an office like yours would need to implement in this post-Covid-19 world.
We were overwhelmed by the responses and suggestions that poured in from all over the world, and we got right to work adding more posters to the set. In V2.0 of our poster set, we’ve now got a whopping 44 posters (colour + B&W) in total!
Fill the form, and get your own set now!
And keep the suggestions coming!
Size: A4 / A3
Orientation: Portrait
Colour Variations: Full colour and greyscale
File format: .PDF
(click to magnify)
Fill the form. Get your posters.
New world, new rules by TWO Design — CC BY 4.0